
Showing posts from May, 2019

Mattress Cleaning Essentials

Mattress Cleaning Essentials You spend most of your life on a mattress. So it's essential that you invest in quality. To maintain your mattress you need simple DIY ingredients and annual cleaning. Your mattress will stay in top form if you follow careful maintenance. Deodorizing You only have to do mattress deodorizing once every few months. This treatment is relatively simple and inexpensive to do. Take off all bedding from your mattress. Sprinkle it with baking soda and add a hint of lavender oil if you want. Leave the powder for a minimum of 30 minutes then vacuum it off. Professional Mattress Cleaning You need to clean your mattress with a professional service once a year. A professional mattress cleaning service has the right equipment to deep clean your mattress. It also extracts water and dirt to optimize drying times. This is the only way to effectively remove hair, dander and other particles that have gotten into your mattress. Laundry It's essen

4 Ways To Tell If You Need A New Mattress

Chances are you have an really old mattress and you need to get rid of it. Sometimes this is hard to tell since we don't realizes how much wearing a mattress goes through overtime. If you don't do regular maintenance your mattress will wear out before it's lifetime. Here are 5 signs that you really need to get rid of your mattress. Odors There are many things that can cause unpleasant odors. Some can come from boy sweat and can make your mattress smell musty. Others are form dust deposits overtime. And a few can be from pet dander, fur and urine. Shape A mattress can lose its shape over time. This can be from not placing it on a spring box. Other times its because we sleep in the same spots on the bed and it creates a indent. The misaligned mattress isn't good for your back. Stains If there are any large unsightly stains on your mattress you should probably get rid of it. Many stains don't come out with regular cleaning. Dye stains pose a probl

5 Common Sources of Dirt In Your Mattress

Dirt can come from a variety of sources. However, since we sleep on it and use it for over 8 hours a day your mattress is exposed to particular kinds of dirt build up. Here are 5 common sources of dirt that get into your mattress. Hair Human hair is one of the main things that gets into your mattress. Fine body hair can easily get into the mattress fibers. Some hairs sink deeper into the mattress over time. Skin Cells We shed lots of skin cells overtime. Since these cells are small they build up in layers and layers on your mattress. Dust Dust will get onto your mattress inevitable. Some of it is airborne and just lands on the mattress. Others come from our hands and feet from regular activity. Fabric Fibers These can come from clothing, bed sheets or any type of cloth material. The fabric rub against each other and consequently shed fibers. This ends up in your mattress. Feathers If you use a feather duvet you may end up with feathers getting into your

Mattress Cleaning Essentials For Your Family

Having a family means you need to extra careful for cleaning. Harsh cleaning products are harmful for your health. Also with kids, pets and a lot of people in the house your mattress will receive more dirt. There are co-friendly ways to clean and maintain your mattress so it will last for many years to come. Deodorizing Sometimes your mattress needs a little freshening up. Or it may acquire an odor. Sprinkle baking soda on your mattress and spray it with a little lavender oil. After 30 minutes use a vacuum to remove the baking soda. This will help deodorize your mattress and it helps you sleep better. Eco-Friendly Mattress Cleaning Since we spend over 8 hours a day using our mattresses it's essential that you use eco-friendly cleaning. If you use harsh chemicals you will be breathing them in every night when you sleep. Eco-friendly mattress cleaning uses all natural ingredients and smell nice without the addition of fragrances. Dusting From time to time you may

Baby Safe Mattress Cleaning - What You Should Know

Mattress cleaning is an essential service you should have one a year. Not only should this service be done by a professional mattress cleaning service you should also get eco-friendly cleaning solutions. Eco-friendly mattress cleaning is essential for baby health as well as your own health. The best thing about eco-friendly cleaning is that it is safe. The solutions use natural ingredients that aren't processed. It doesn't use harsh chemicals which is extremely important when it comes to mattress cleaning . If you use harsh cleaning chemicals on your mattress you will be breathing them in while you sleep. We spend over 8 hours a day using our mattresses and you shouldn't be breathing in chemicals during this time. Over time this can cause breathing difficulties and skin irritation. Babies have especially sensitive skin and need eco-friendly mattress cleaning. Additionally, you should switch over to eco-friendly laundry detergent. All the bedding, towels and ba

Do You Need A Body Pillow? 5 Signs You Do

Body pillows are a great addition for your bed. They are not just a regular pillow but a much needed sleeping aid. This pillow provides more support than you realize. Here are five benefits of getting a body pillow. Back Support Ultimately a body pillow helps all types of back pain. It can ease sciatica as well as lower and upper back pain. It does this by aligning your spine while you sleep. Without it there is to much pressure in the wrong areas. Sleep Quality This pillow can overall improve your sleep quality. Asides from easing back pain, it provides a hugging position that can decrease stress. Improve Circulation Sleeping pillows allows for proper circulation while you sleep. This helps tissue healing and restores energy from a regular day's work. Helps Depression Having a body pillow mimics the feel of another person. Meaning the pillow feels like you are hugging another body. This hugs in turn helps elevate depression and releases good neurotransmit

Dog Mattress Care - What to Maintain If Your Pet Sleeps in Bed

Pets are great companions. Some of us even sleep with our pets in bed with us. There are important things you should know about cleaning your bed in you let your dog do this. Here are a few mattress maintenance tips. Fur Primarily the main thing your pet will do is shed their fur. Shedding is increased during the summer months and you will be left in a hairy situation. Periodically vacuum the main areas your pet sleeps in. Also use a lint roller brush to optimize fur removal. Dander Dander is also shed constantly and can get deep within the mattress material. This dander is oily skin cells which readily get deep within the mattress material. Having a good mattress cover will create an effective barrier against pet dander. Dirt You pet will carry dirt on their paws no matter what. This comes from regular walks and the house in general. Pets don't frequently wash their paws either. You can use pet booties or keep in mind to periodically wash your bedding to optim

5 Times You Absolutely Need To Clean Your Mattress

Yoru mattress should be cleaned once a year using an eco-friendly mattress cleaning service. However, there are essential emergencies where your mattress will need to get clean in between. Here are top times when it is absolutely necessary to have you require professional mattress cleaning . Pets It's essential that you clean pet vomit, pee, and poop as soon as possible. These items can create foul odors and bacteria that remain in your mattress. Food and Drink If you have a food spill of any sort it's important to deal with it. Food particles can get deep within your mattress and can attract pests. So it's essential that the mess is cleaned quickly. Sweat During a heat wave or an illness when you sweat a lot, you need to follow up with mattress cleaning. Sweat contains oils that need to be removed with the right solutions. Sweat can attract bacteria and cause unpleasant odors. Allergies Before or after the allergy season starts you should get your